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NDIS Community Participation Adelaide

Assistance to Access Community, Social and Recreational Activities

Join in Ross Care NDIS Community Participation activities with support from our friendly carers who will be with you every step of the way. They will support and encourage you in strengthening your ability to participate independently. You can access the community individually or in a group.

NDIS Community participation is one of the most frequently requested support needs by people with disabilities. This falls under the core supports budget in an NDIS plan. It will assist you in achieving your objectives by increasing your ability to participate and interact in your community.

NDIS Community Participation

Social and recreation activities can include things like:


visiting your friends and family


active hobbies, such as bike riding, skiing or kayaking


playing sport, such as tennis, surfing or basketball


going out, for instance to the movies or a concert


going places for fun, such as shopping or visiting a museum


relaxing, like meditation or yoga


learning new skills, like dance, art classes or quilting

NDIS Community Participation Adelaide: why is it important?

There are several advantages to encouraging community participation. This type of assistance should not be denied to an NDIS participant.


  • It aids in the improvement of your behaviour and attitude.
  • It can improve your personality and self-esteem.
  • It may reduce the need for long-term care and assistance. This automatically reduces costs.
  • It enables you to move and interact independently without the need for assistance. You don’t have to rely on someone else to interact or shop for you.
  • The community will benefit as well. It will increase the social capital of Australia. Furthermore, it will benefit the economy and community diversity.

Learn more about NDIS community participation in Adelaide

Our recreational, social, and community participation program Adelaide always put you in focus. We are happy to assist you if you want to be more independent, active, or try a new activity. The Community Participation team works with your friends, family, and caregivers to create opportunities for you to integrate into society.

You choose which NDIS community participation activities Adelaide you will participate in through our community support services. To accomplish this, we will devise a customised plan.

In your NDIS plan, this is a core support.

Please note you will need to pay for the costs of the activity that everyone would pay for such as membership or entrance costs. The NDIS would fund the support you need (e.g. support worker) to take part in the activity because of your disability.

Group and Centre Activities

Group/Centre activities is designed to assist and encourage you to join the community, social and recreational activities with a group to foster an inclusive and stimulating environment in which you are free to meet new people, make new friends, participate in activities and learn new skills, all while having fun.
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Fancy an afternoon of lawn bowls?


Or a trip to the movies with some friends?


A quiet afternoon doing some craft might be more your style


Or you may prefer an afternoon disco with dancing and karaoke

Areas we serve for NDIS Community Participation in Adelaide

  • Prospect
  • Nailsworth
  • Clearview
  • Blair Athol
  • Lightsview
  • Northgate
  • Kilburn
  • Walkleys Height
  • Gilles Plains
  • Windsor Gardens
  • Klemzig
  • Vale Park
  • Walkerville
  • Sefton Park
  • Collinswood
  • Medindie
  • Devon Park
  • Dudley Park
  • Fitzroy
  • Ovingham
  • Dudley Park
  • Croydon Park
  • Croydon
  • Woodville
You choose what you want to do, and we will help you along the way!

In your NDIS plan, this is a core support.

Innovative Community Participation

Our Innovative Community Participation Program is designed to support you to build your skills and develop independence in accessing the community. You tell us what your interests and hobbies are – we help you access them and support you to participate in them. This could include short courses to develop skills e.g. cooking classes, computer learning, art classes or anything else that may be of interest to you!
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Some other examples of innovative community participation include:


Learn new skills or improve existing skills


Make new connections or improve the connections you have


Create a network of friends and socialise


Attend workshops on finding suitable employment


Assistance and support for setting up your own small business

if you have Capacity Building funding for “Increased Social and Community Participation” in your NDIS plan, you can access this support from us.

For more information, please get in touch with us to discuss your options and see how we can assist.